Defiant Vision: Prints & Poetry by Munio Makuuchi, SCMA Exhibit Catalogue
Defiant Vision: Prints & Poetry by Munio Makuuchi brings overdue recognition to printmaker and poet Munio Makuuchi (1934-2000). Despite his multiple academic degrees, Makuuchi often lived and worked outside the mainstream. Makuuchi was deeply affected by his incarceration at Minidoka, one of ten camps built to house Japanese and Japanese Americans forcibly removed from the West Coast during World War II. This was only the first of a series of personal challenges that shaped him as an artist and yet, the more obstacles he faced, the more doggedly he pursued his vision.
This is the first catalogue and only volume published on this largely unrecognized American artist and it places him within his social, historical, artistic, and literary context. The catalogue is fully illustrated and beautifully designed by Carolyn Eckert.
Introduction and essay by Aprile Gallant, Associate Director of Curatorial Affairs/Senior Curator of Prints, Drawings and Photographs, Smith College Museum of Art.
Essay by Floyd Cheung, Vice President for Equity and Inclusion; Professor of English Language & Literature and American Studies Smith College
Essay by Margo Machida, Professor of Art History and Asian and Asian American Studies University of Connecticut
fully illustrated in color, 160 pages , softcover
Price: $20.00
Member Price: $18.00